How to make Jiang Bao Rou Tiao (Stir-Fried Pork Strips with Bean Curd Sauce) and the recipes of Jiang Bao Rou Tiao (Stir-Fried Pork Strips with Bean Curd Sauce)

Jiang Bao Rou Tiao (Stir-Fried Pork Strips with Bean Curd Sauce)

[Main Ingredients and Seasonings]
Pork loin… 200g
Peanut oil… 500g
Rehydrated dried day lily… 50g
Fermented bean curd sauce… 25g
Cucumber… 50g
Sugar… 5g
Shredded spring onion… 10g
Soy sauce… 10g
Shredded ginger… 2g
Monosodium glutamate (MSG)… 2.5g
Shredded garlic… 5g
Chicken broth… 25g
Egg white… 25g
Rendered pork fat… 10g
Salt… 1g
Cornstarch… 55g

[Cooking Instructions]

  1. Cut the pork loin into strips approximately 6.6 cm long and 0.66 cm thick. Season with salt, then mix with egg white, 50g of cornstarch, and 25g of water to make a slurry. Cut the rehydrated dried day lily and cucumber into strips about 5 cm long and 0.66 cm thick, blanch in water briefly, then drain. Mix chicken broth with 5g of cornstarch, fermented bean curd sauce, sugar, soy sauce, and MSG to make a thickening sauce.
  2. Heat peanut oil to 60% hot and quickly fry the pork strips until cooked, then drain. In a wok, heat 10g of peanut oil, stir-fry shredded spring onion, shredded ginger, and shredded garlic briefly. Add the blanched day lily and cucumber strips along with the pork strips, stir-fry briefly, then add the prepared thickening sauce. Stir-fry until well combined, then drizzle with rendered pork fat before serving.

[Key Techniques]

  1. There are various methods for stir-frying dishes, including oil stir-fry, broth stir-fry, vinegar stir-fry, and bean curd sauce stir-fry, with this dish being distinguished by its use of bean curd sauce. It’s crucial to control the heat, oil temperature, and cooking time—high heat for quick cooking is essential. Carefully prepare and cut the ingredients to ensure even heating and uniform cooking. Coating the pork strips with slurry ensures they stay moist and prevents them from losing their coating during frying.
  2. Use Taiyuan fermented bean curd sauce to highlight the regional flavor. Spinach or green leafy vegetables can be substituted for cucumber.

[Flavor Characteristics]
This dish features a vibrant red color complemented by white and green ingredients, making it visually appealing. It has a savory-sweet flavor with the distinctive taste of bean curd sauce, and the texture is tender and unique.

Enjoy preparing and savoring this flavorful dish!

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