Cooking Ethnic Flavored Dishes

1 Jade Tendrils of Young Prickly Ash


  • Young prickly ash shoots: 150g
  • Refined salt: 2g
  • Chicken breast: 100g
  • MSG: 1.5g
  • Egg whites: 2
  • Lard: 30g
  • Pork fat: 25g
  • Shaoxing wine: 10g
  • Sichuan peppercorn water: 10g
  • Scallion: 10g
  • Chicken broth: 200g
  • Ginger: 10g
  • Wet starch: 10g
  • Sesame oil: 10g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Mince the chicken breast and pork fat together into a paste. Add chicken broth, refined salt, MSG, and egg whites, stir into a thin paste. Peel the young prickly ash shoots, blanch briefly in boiling water, then rinse with cold water and pat dry with a cloth. Slice the scallion into threads, mince the ginger.
  2. Heat water in a ladle until boiling, then reduce to low heat. Coat each young prickly ash shoot with the chicken paste and gently poach in the ladle until cooked through. Remove and drain.
  3. Heat lard in another ladle, add scallion and ginger. Pour in chicken broth, add seasoning, and place the jade tendrils of young prickly ash shoots. Thicken with wet starch, drizzle with sesame oil, and transfer to a serving dish.

[Culinary Techniques]

  1. Slice, shred, and mince the chicken breast, then mince into a paste.
  2. When preparing the chicken paste, ensure it is vigorously stirred and beaten to maintain shape.
  3. Blanch the young prickly ash shoots in 90°C water after coating with chicken paste to prevent disintegration.
  4. Use young shoots from late spring to early summer; if missed, they become too tough to use.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  1. Young prickly ash shoots, also known as Szechuan pepper shoots or prickly ash leaves, belong to the Rutaceae family, perennial woody plants. In early spring when the ice and snow melt, they emit a refreshing fragrance that penetrates deeply. Renowned for its unique flavor, it is highly cherished by gourmet enthusiasts.
  2. This dish is characterized by its jade-like appearance with a mix of white and green hues, glossy with oil, and offering a fresh, savory taste.

2 Stewed Pork Bones with Frozen Tofu


  • Tender tofu: 2 blocks
  • Ginger: 2 slices
  • Pork bones: 1000g
  • Sichuan peppercorns: 20 pieces
  • Spring onions: 2 stalks
  • Star anise: 1 piece
  • Preserved mustard greens: 150g
  • Salt: 5g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Pat dry the tender tofu to remove excess moisture, then cut into 4 cm cubes. Arrange them on a clean board and freeze thoroughly in a cold place.
  2. Rinse the pork bones and chop into large pieces. Place them in a pot, cover with cold water, add ginger slices, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, and bring to a boil. Skim off any foam that rises to the surface, then reduce heat and simmer for about 2 hours until the meat on the bones is tender. Remove the ginger, Sichuan peppercorns, and star anise. Add the frozen tofu and sliced preserved mustard greens, bring back to a boil, season with salt and MSG to taste. Simmer for a further period.

[Culinary Techniques]

  1. Ensure the frozen tofu remains free from any dirt or contamination.
  2. When boiling the pork bone broth, avoid adding too much water to maintain a balanced flavor.

[Flavor Characteristics]

The tofu is tender and soft, complemented by the tangy and salty preserved mustard greens. The soup and ingredients meld together perfectly, making it an excellent choice to accompany rice.

3 Braised Monkey Head Mushroom


  • Monkey head mushrooms (Hericium erinaceus): 200g
  • Yulan slices: 1 piece
  • Egg whites: 2
  • Cabbage hearts: 1 stalk
  • Cornstarch: 25g
  • Lard: 150g
  • MSG: 2g
  • Half a scallion
  • Refined salt: 4g
  • Ginger: 1 piece
  • Cooking wine: 10g
  • Chicken broth: 100g
  • Ham: 1 slice
  • Milk: 100g
  • Shiitake mushroom: 1 piece

[Cooking Method]

  1. Remove the hair from the monkey head mushrooms, blanch briefly in boiling water, then place in a bowl and steam over high broth for 30 minutes. Drain the mushrooms and squeeze out excess moisture. Mix egg whites and cornstarch into a paste, coat the mushrooms evenly, place in an oiled plate, and steam for 10 minutes. Set aside.
  2. Slice all auxiliary ingredients into large leaf-like pieces. Blanch the cabbage hearts in boiling water, then set aside.
  3. Rinse the pot with alkaline water, arrange the ingredients inside, add scallion segments and ginger pieces, and set aside.
  4. Heat a wok over medium heat, add lard and heat until moderately hot. Pour in milk, then add chicken broth and stir well. Lower the pot containing the ingredients into the wok, add seasonings, adjust the taste, reduce heat to low, and braise for 20 minutes. Use a slotted spoon to remove the pot, discard the scallion and ginger, invert onto a serving plate, arrange the cabbage hearts on top. Adjust the sauce in the wok for taste, thicken with a little starch if needed, and pour over the dish.

[Culinary Techniques]

  1. Arrange the ingredients neatly in a saddle shape for presentation.
  2. Ensure the monkey head mushrooms are thoroughly cleaned and free of any dirt or impurities.
  3. Stir the wok continuously during braising and drizzle with a little sesame oil.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  1. Monkey head mushroom, also known as Lion’s Mane mushroom or Hedgehog mushroom, was once revered as one of the “Eight Treasures” and considered alongside sea cucumber, fish maw, and shark fin. It is a rare fungus found in the deep forests of the Greater and Lesser Xing’an Mountains, typically growing on dead hardwood trees such as oak, walnut, and birch. Fresh specimens are white, turning brown when dried. If not processed promptly after harvesting, they can spoil quickly.
  2. According to historical records, during the Qing Dynasty, monkey head mushrooms were considered a delicacy and were regularly presented to the imperial court for the enjoyment of the Empress Dowager.
  3. Modern research indicates that monkey head mushrooms are rich in protein, containing 263g per 100g of dried mushroom, twice that of shiitake mushrooms, and consisting of 16 types of amino acids. Clinical studies suggest that polysaccharides found in monkey head mushrooms have significant effects in treating gastric ulcers, gastritis, and other stomach ailments. They also show inhibitory effects on tumors such as Sarcoma 180 and ascitic tumors, enhancing the effectiveness of cancer treatment in patients.
  4. This dish features a rich, flavorful sauce with a bright white and green presentation, offering a tender texture and a glossy finish, truly a delicacy among dishes.

4 Golden Monkey with Peach

300g soaked monkey head mushrooms
1 chicken wing
10 cooked eggs
1 chicken leg
200g chicken breast
25g dried shrimp
75g pork fat
5g sesame oil
50g peeled shrimp meat
15 peppercorns
100g green chili peppers
2 pieces of star anise
3g salt
15g spring onions
3g MSG
10g sliced ginger
10g peppercorn water
1/2 sheet of egg yolk skin
20g Shaoxing wine
1/2 sheet of soaked kelp
30g soaked sea cucumber
50g clear broth
50g minced pork fat and lean meat
100g spinach
8 egg whites
0.1g red food coloring
100g pork loin

Cooking method:

  1. Beat 5 egg whites in a bowl, add spinach juice, clear broth, salt, and MSG, mix well, pour into a plate, cover the bottom of the plate, and steam until the egg cake turns emerald green.
  2. Rinse the monkey head mushrooms twice with warm water, place in a small bowl, add peppercorns, star anise, spring onions, ginger slices, dried shrimp, chicken wings, chicken legs, pork loin ribs, salt, MSG, Shaoxing wine, steam until the chicken and pork loin ribs are tender, then remove and let cool.
  3. Chop the chicken breast and pork fat into a fine paste, put in a bowl with clear broth, egg whites, salt, MSG, peppercorn water, Shaoxing wine, mix well, shape into the base of a monkey shape on a plate, cut the monkey head mushrooms into knife slices, starting from the legs and tail, arrange into the shape of a monkey, making the two upper feet obvious, one on each side, one below, use chicken paste to shape the hands on the head, then use chicken paste to shape the face of the monkey, make the egg yolk into eye circles, use kelp as the eyeballs, nose, and mouth.
  4. Remove the cooked eggs from the shell, cut a small part diagonally from the bottom, and dig out the egg yolk.
  5. Cut the sea cucumber into small cubes, chop the shrimp meat, mix with the meat filling, chicken paste, add peppercorn water, Shaoxing wine, salt, MSG, chopped spring onions and ginger, chicken broth, sesame oil, spread into each egg, use a knife to cut a small groove along the length from the tip of the egg, apply a little food coloring to the tip of the egg and groove, shape into a peach shape, arrange in a line in front of the monkey’s chest and below the mouth, press the claws of the upper feet on the peach, arrange the remaining peaches around the monkey, arrange green peppers into leaf shapes, place two leaves at the bottom of each peach, steam for about 10 minutes, and remove when cooked.
  6. In a spoon, add clear broth, salt, and MSG, boil, thicken with water starch, pour over the monkey head and peach.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Use gauze to filter spinach leaves.
  2. When steaming the emerald cake, release air.
  3. When shaping, emphasize the face and ears of the monkey.

Flavor Characteristics:

  1. Golden Monkey with Peach is based on the story from “Journey to the West” where the Monkey King steals the peaches of the Queen Mother of the West.
  2. This dish has a realistic appearance, is tender and delicious, with a fresh and fragrant taste.

5 Smoked Tofu Skin

100g tofu skin
20g salt
2g MSG (optional)
10g Sichuan peppercorns
20g sesame oil
60g white sugar

Cooking Method:

  1. Soak the tofu skin in warm water until fully hydrated. Remove and squeeze out excess water using clean cheesecloth. Set aside.
  2. Prepare a solution by soaking Sichuan peppercorns in chicken broth, then add MSG and salt, mix well.
  3. Lay out a layer of tofu skin and sprinkle evenly with the prepared Sichuan peppercorn solution. Repeat this layering process six times. Fold the tofu skin into a rectangle approximately 6 cm wide and 24 cm long. Place it in a flat porcelain bowl and steam for 40 minutes.
  4. Heat a pot on the stove, sprinkle white sugar evenly on the bottom, place a bamboo basket on top, and arrange the steamed tofu skin inside the basket. Cover the pot tightly with a lid, heat until yellow smoke appears, then remove the pot from heat and let it smoke for 10 minutes. Remove the tofu skin, coat it with sesame oil, slice it, and serve.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Ensure the tofu skin is fully soaked in water to improve texture and taste.
  2. Avoid over-smoking to prevent the tofu skin from becoming too dark, affecting its appearance.

Flavor Characteristics:
Tender and fragrant tofu skin with a savory and slightly salty taste, enriched with a strong smoky flavor.

6 Fragrant Pine Nuts

250g pine nuts
1 egg
500g vegetable oil
100g flour
7g salt
1g MSG (optional)
20g sugar
50g sesame oil
15g Chinese five-spice powder

Cooking Method:

  1. Peel the pine nuts and discard any shriveled ones. Place the full pine nuts in a bowl, add egg, MSG, Chinese five-spice powder, sesame oil, sugar, and salt. Mix well and set aside.
  2. Add dry flour to the mixed pine nuts. Shake the bowl to coat each pine nut evenly with flour. Sprinkle with water and repeat the process, ensuring each pine nut is evenly coated with flour, resembling the process of making tangyuan (glutinous rice balls). Stop when the pine nuts are about twice their original size.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a pot until it reaches 180°C (about 4/5 of the oil’s maximum heating capacity). Fry the flour-coated pine nuts for about 3 minutes until they turn golden brown. Remove and drain the oil. Once the oil temperature reaches about 200°C (6/7 of its maximum), fry the pine nuts briefly again to achieve a crispy texture without burning.
  4. Remove from the oil and drain well. Allow to cool before serving.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Use full and plump pine nuts to ensure quality.
  2. Ensure an even coating of flour for frying.
  3. Control the oil temperature carefully during frying: fry until the pine nuts form a hard shell on the first round and turn crispy on the second round, without burning.

Flavor Characteristics:

  1. Golden color, sweet, crispy, fragrant with Chinese five-spice, and balanced in saltiness and sweetness, making it an excellent appetizer with wine.
  2. Pine trees are abundant in the Northeast region of China, resulting in high pine nut production. Chefs utilize local ingredients to create this delicacy, which is not only delicious but also highly nutritious, suitable for people of all ages as a health food.

7 Stir-Fried Fresh Mushrooms and Tofu Skin

150g fresh mushrooms
150g tofu skin
30g bamboo shoots
30g cucumber
6g salt
1g MSG (optional)
2g Sichuan peppercorns
20g cooking oil

Cooking Method:

  1. Clean the fresh mushrooms thoroughly, squeeze out excess water, and slice thinly. Cut the soaked tofu skin into segments about 3cm long. Slice the bamboo shoots and cucumber into thin rounds.
  2. Blanch the tofu skin in boiling water briefly, then transfer to cold water to cool. Squeeze out excess water and set aside in a container.
  3. Heat a pot over medium heat, add cooking oil, and heat until hot. Add Sichuan peppercorns and fry until fragrant and slightly browned. Remove the peppercorns and discard, leaving the flavored oil.
  4. Place the sliced fresh mushrooms, bamboo shoots, and cucumber into the container with tofu skin. Add salt, MSG, and pour the hot Sichuan peppercorn oil over the ingredients. Stir well to combine.
  5. Transfer to a serving plate and serve immediately.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Use fresh and tender cucumber to enhance the fresh flavor. Choose very tender fresh mushrooms.
  2. When blanching the tofu skin, do not boil for too long. After blanching, cool in cold water and ensure to squeeze out excess water to better absorb flavors.
  3. Use hot Sichuan peppercorn oil to bring out the distinctive flavor of Sichuan peppercorns.

Flavor Characteristics:
Delicate color, refreshing and tasty, savory and slightly salty, with a tender and crisp texture, perfect as a side dish with drinks.

8 Stir-Fried Cucumber Strips with Dried Shrimp

300g cucumber
10g shredded ginger
7g salt
30g dried shrimp
2g Sichuan peppercorns
1g MSG (optional)
10g cooking oil

Cooking Method:

  1. Wash the cucumber thoroughly, cut into 1 cm square strips about 3.5 cm long.
  2. Place the cucumber strips in a container, sprinkle with 3g of salt, and let sit for 15 minutes to allow the cucumber to release water. Set aside.
  3. Heat cooking oil in a pan, add Sichuan peppercorns, fry until fragrant and slightly browned. Remove the peppercorns and discard, leaving the flavored oil.
  4. Add dried shrimp, shredded ginger, MSG, and remaining salt to the container with cucumber strips. Pour the hot Sichuan peppercorn oil over the mixture, stir well to combine.
  5. Transfer to a serving plate and serve immediately.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Use fresh and tender cucumbers for best results.
  2. Ensure cucumber strips are evenly cut for a uniform appearance.
  3. Do not marinate the cucumbers for too long; they should remain crispy and slightly salty.
  4. Use high-temperature Sichuan peppercorn oil to enhance the flavor.

Flavor Characteristics:
Bright green color, refreshing and tender texture, savory with a hint of saltiness, rich in Sichuan peppercorn flavor, perfect as an appetizer with drinks.

9 Smoked Shrimp and Ham with Beancurd Skin

2500g beancurd skin
50g salt
10g MSG (optional)
500g soy sauce
50g fresh ginger
20g Sichuan peppercorns
50g sesame oil
250g cooking wine
250g shrimp
100g sawdust

Cooking Method:

  1. Soak the beancurd skin in water until softened. Remove from water and drain well.
  2. Place Sichuan peppercorns in a bowl and soak in warm water. Wash and crush the ginger into a paste. Remove the Sichuan peppercorns from the water, discard them, and add the ginger paste to the peppercorn-infused water. Add soy sauce, MSG, salt, and cooking wine to the mixture, stir well, and set aside.
  3. Rinse the shrimp thoroughly to remove any sand, then drain well. Lay the beancurd skin flat on a cutting board. Spread a layer of shrimp evenly over the beancurd skin, and sprinkle with the prepared seasoning mixture. Repeat this process layer by layer until all ingredients are used, forming a cylindrical shape with a diameter of about 6 cm. Wrap the cylinder tightly with cheesecloth and tie securely with twine.
  4. Place the wrapped beancurd skin roll into a steamer and steam over high heat for 90 minutes. Remove from the steamer and discard the twine and cheesecloth.
  5. Prepare a smoking pot by placing sawdust on the bottom and positioning a rack 5 cm above the sawdust. Place the steamed beancurd skin roll on the rack, cover the pot, and smoke over high heat for 15 minutes. Remove from the smoking pot, brush with sesame oil, and slice before serving.

Cooking Tips:

  1. Ensure the Sichuan peppercorns are well infused in water before mixing with ginger paste to bring out their unique flavor.
  2. Roll the beancurd skin tightly to maintain its shape; loose rolls may fall apart and lose the ham-like appearance after slicing.
  3. Avoid over-smoking as it may darken the color excessively, affecting the appearance.

Flavor Characteristics:
Visually appealing with a fresh and savory taste, rich in umami flavors suitable with rice or as a cold dish.

10 Crispy Kelp

〔Main Ingredients and Seasonings〕
Dried kelp 1500 grams
Fatty pork 500 grams
Soy sauce 50 grams
Vinegar 50 grams
Granulated sugar 100 grams
Sesame oil 30 grams
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) 5 grams
Garlic 50 grams
Cooking wine 40 grams
Green onions (cut into segments) 100 grams
Ginger (sliced) 100 grams
Salt 50 grams

〔Cooking Method〕

  1. Place the dried kelp in a large bowl, soak in hot water until it expands to about 5 kilograms, then rinse twice with clean water and set aside. Cut the green onions into segments, slice the ginger, and peel the garlic cloves.
  2. Cut the fatty pork into strips about 1 cm wide and 7 cm long. Spread the kelp on a cutting board, place the pork strips on top, and roll the kelp into cylindrical rolls with a diameter of about 4 cm.
  3. Clean the pot and place bamboo splints on the bottom. Arrange the rolled kelp on top of the splints, layering with green onion segments, ginger slices, and peeled garlic cloves, about 3-4 layers in total. Cover the top layer with large cabbage leaves. Then pour in sugar, MSG, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, vinegar, and sesame oil into the pot. Add enough broth to just cover the kelp rolls. Cover the pot tightly, bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer over low heat for about 6 hours until the broth is almost dry. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool completely.
  4. Before serving, slice the kelp rolls into rounds about 0.5 cm thick and arrange them on a plate.

〔Key Techniques〕

  1. When soaking the kelp, do not soak it too long, or it may become too soft.
  2. Always use bamboo splints on the pot bottom to prevent the kelp rolls from sticking and affecting the quality.
  3. Roll the kelp tightly with the pork to prevent the pork from separating from the kelp during cooking.

〔Flavor Characteristics〕
Deep brown color, savory with a hint of sweetness and slight acidity, tender and delicious texture. This dish pairs well with both rice and wine.