Authentic dishes with an unforgettable aftertaste

1 Steamed Pork Stomach Slices

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Cooked pork stomach slices … 400 grams
  • Longan … 10 pieces
  • Goji berries … 10 grams
  • Chicken broth … 500 grams
  • Codonopsis root … 15 grams
  • White pepper … 5 grams
  • Angelica slices … 15 grams
  • Rock sugar … 50 grams
  • Chinese yam … 15 grams
  • Salt … 2 grams
  • Cooked pork fat … 15 grams
  • Red dates … 10 pieces

Cooking Method:

  1. Slice the cooked pork stomach into pieces approximately 5 cm long and 2 cm wide. Wash the goji berries, codonopsis root, angelica slices, Chinese yam, and red dates in cold water. Shell the longan and lychee. Place all ingredients into a green-glazed bowl. Add white pepper, salt, cooked pork fat, and rock sugar.
  2. Steam the mixture for 30 minutes. Then add 500 grams of chicken broth and continue steaming until the pork stomach is tender and the flavors are well combined.

Key Points:

  • Use high heat and steam for about 2 hours.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • Steamed pork stomach slices, also known as “medicinally steamed pork stomach slices,” combine pork stomach with nourishing herbs like goji berries, codonopsis root, angelica slices, Chinese yam, red dates, longan, and lychee. Steamed with chicken broth, the dish is rich in nourishing nutrients, with a flavor profile that is salty, sweet, fragrant, and slightly spicy. It is known for its restorative benefits and is a popular nourishing dish in Hunan cuisine throughout the year.

2 Hunan Cured Pork

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Pork … 5000 grams
  • White wine … 50 grams
  • Salt … 150 grams
  • Pine wood chips … 54 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorns … 25 grams
  • Dried fruit shells … 54 grams
  • White sugar … 50 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Use a knife to scrape off any remaining hair on the pork skin. Cut the pork into strips about 3 cm wide. Use bamboo skewers to poke small holes in the meat to help it absorb the flavors.
  2. First, heat the Sichuan peppercorns in a dry pan. Then add the salt and stir-fry until fragrant. Remove from heat and let cool.
  3. Rub the pork with the Sichuan peppercorns, salt, and white sugar. Place the pork in a ceramic or enamel basin, skin side down and meat side up, with the top layer of skin facing up. Press down with a heavy object. During winter and spring, turn the pork every two days. After about 5 days, remove it. In autumn, place it in a cool place, turning it once or twice a day. After about 2 days, remove it, wipe off the moisture with a clean cloth, and thread it with hemp rope through one end of the skin. Hang it in a well-ventilated high place to air-dry until half-dry. Then place it in a smoking cabinet and smoke for about two to three days, moving it once during the process. When the pork turns golden brown, remove it and hang it in a well-ventilated area to complete.

Key Points:

  1. Choose pork with a good balance of skin and fat, such as pork leg or pork belly.
  2. Adding a little dried orange peel to the smoking materials can enhance the aroma of the cured pork.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • Cured pork is a specialty of Hunan, known for its meticulous selection and production process. Various types of poultry, wild game, and seafood can be cured. The cured pork features a bright red color, smoky and salty aroma, rich yet not greasy, and exceptionally delicious flavor. The smoking process usually begins in early winter and the cured pork is enjoyed well into the Spring Festival. Smoked cured meats can kill insects and prevent spoilage, making it possible to enjoy them year-round if stored properly.

3 Steamed Mixed Cured Meats

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Cured pork … 200 grams
  • Clear meat broth … 25 grams
  • Cured chicken … 200 grams
  • MSG … 0.5 grams
  • Cured carp … 200 grams
  • Cooked pig oil … 25 grams
  • White sugar … 15 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Rinse the cured pork, cured chicken, and cured fish with warm water. Steam them in a basin until cooked through. Remove the bones from the cured chicken, peel the cured pork, and scale the cured fish. Cut the cured pork into strips 4 cm long and 0.7 cm thick. Cut the cured chicken and cured fish into strips of similar size.
  2. Take a ceramic bowl and arrange the cured pork, cured chicken, and cured fish in the bowl with the skin side down. Add the cooked pig oil, white sugar, and seasoned meat broth. Steam until tender, then turn out onto a large ceramic plate.

Key Points:

  1. “Cured meats” are a major feature of Hunan cuisine. There are various types, including pork, beef, chicken, fish, and wild duck. To make cured pork: Wash 5000 grams of pork with skin, cut into large strips, and season with 250 grams of salt, 10 grams of Sichuan peppercorns, 1.5 grams of potassium nitrate, and 50 grams of white sugar. Marinate for 4 days, turning once, then marinate for another 3 days. Wash clean with water, tie one end of each strip with hemp rope, and hang to sun-dry for 2 days. Then hang in a smoking room and smoke for 36 hours with sawdust, dried fruit shells, or chaff until the pork turns a smoked yellow color. To make cured chicken: Cut a whole chicken along the back, remove the crop and internal organs, and score the thigh meat to help it absorb the flavors. Follow the same marinating method as for cured pork. To make cured fish: For 500 grams of fresh fish, cut open along the back to remove gills and internal organs. Wash and drain. Season with 250 grams of salt, 10 grams of Sichuan peppercorns, 1.5 grams of potassium nitrate, and 50 grams of white sugar. Marinate for 3 days, wash clean, sun-dry for 2 days, then hang in a smoking room and smoke for 36 hours until the fish is cured.
  2. For the cured chicken, first remove the bones from the body and then from the legs, making sure to cut close to the bones to maintain the shape of the chicken. For cured fish, scale it, remove the back and chest bones, while keeping the fish shape intact. Arrange the cured pork in the center, the cured fish on the left, and the cured chicken on the right in the bowl.
  3. Adding dried red chili peppers and fermented soybeans for steaming can enhance the flavor.
  4. Various cured meats can be used or substituted according to preference.
  5. Cover the steamer tightly and steam over medium heat for about 1 hour.

Flavor Characteristics:

  1. “Steamed Mixed Cured Meats” features a unique flavor achieved by steaming various cured products together. It is a traditional and well-known dish in Hunan cuisine.
  2. This dish has a strong cured aroma, a balanced sweet and salty taste, a bright red color, and a tender yet non-greasy texture. The flavors complement each other perfectly, showcasing their unique qualities.

4 Stir-Fried Cured Meat with Artemisia Roots

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Cured meat … 300 grams
  • Salt … 0.5 grams
  • Artemisia roots … 200 grams
  • Cooked pig oil … 50 grams
  • Dried red chili peppers … 15 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Rinse the cured meat with warm water, remove the skin, and steam in a basin for 30 minutes. After steaming, cut the fatty and lean parts of the meat into strips 5 cm long, 0.7 cm wide, and 0.3 cm thick. Peel the artemisia roots with a knife, wash them, and cut them into strips 4 cm long. Cut the dried red chili peppers into small pieces.
  2. Heat a wok over high heat and add the cooked pig oil. When the oil is about 60% hot, first add the fatty cured meat and the juices from the steamed cured meat. Stir briefly, then add the artemisia roots and dried chili pepper pieces. Stir-fry, then add salt and continue to stir-fry for 1 minute. Next, add the lean cured meat and stir-fry. Pour in 50 grams of water and simmer for 2 minutes until the water evaporates. Serve on a plate.

Key Points:

  1. Before stir-frying, soak the artemisia roots in boiling water for 2 minutes, then rinse with cold water and drain to remove the strong aroma.
  2. Do not add too much juice from the steamed cured meat, as it can make the dish less fragrant.
  3. This dish is stir-fried; the strips of meat should be coarse. Heat the wok before cooking, add oil, and swish it around, then discard the excess oil before adding the cooking oil to prevent sticking.
  4. Use high heat initially and then reduce it to avoid burning the dish. Cooking for a slightly longer time will help the flavors meld.

Flavor Characteristics:

  1. Artemisia roots are a wild plant that grows on hillsides. They have a white root about the thickness of chopsticks and a fresh aroma. There is a saying: “Artemisia in January, mugwort in February, and firewood in March and April.” This dish is a seasonal favorite in the Changde region during winter and spring.
  2. The smoking method for Hunan’s renowned “Three Xiang Cured Meat” is well-known in Hunan, especially in Changde. After the winter solstice, smoke rises from homes, and cured meats are hung on racks, adding a unique charm. To make cured meat: Wash 5000 grams of pork with skin, cut into large strips, and season with 250 grams of salt, 10 grams of Sichuan peppercorns, 1.5 grams of potassium nitrate, and 50 grams of white sugar. Marinate for 4 days, turning once, then marinate for another 3 days. Wash with clean water, tie one end of each strip with hemp rope, and sun-dry for 2 days. Then hang in a smoking room and smoke for 36 hours with sawdust, dried fruit shells, or chaff until the pork turns a smoked yellow color.
  3. This dish features red and white colors: the sauce is bright red, and the artemisia roots are white. The flavor is salty, spicy, and aromatic with a crisp and tender texture.

5 Stir-Fried Cured Meat with Bamboo Shoots

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Cured meat: 500 grams
  • MSG: 0.5 grams
  • Green garlic: 100 grams
  • Rendered pork fat: 50 grams
  • Fresh bamboo shoots: 150 grams
  • Clear meat broth: 50 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Clean the cured meat, steam it until cooked, then cut into pieces 4 cm long, 3 cm wide, and 0.3 cm thick. Cut the bamboo shoots into comb-back shaped strips, then slice into approximately 0.3 cm thick pieces. Wash the green garlic and cut into 3 cm long sections.
  2. Heat the rendered pork fat in a wok over high heat until it reaches about 60% of its smoking point. Add the cured meat and bamboo shoots, stir-fry, and add the meat broth to slightly deglaze. Cook until the liquid evaporates, then add the green garlic and MSG. Stir-fry briefly and plate.

Key Techniques:

  • Use a dry-frying technique with relatively little oil, about 20% of the raw ingredients. Ensure the oil is hot and stir frequently with a spatula, flipping and tossing the ingredients as needed.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • Stir-Fried Cured Meat with Bamboo Shoots is a highly favored seasonal dish in Hunan. During the winter, when bamboo shoots are in season, combining tender shoots with aromatic cured meat creates a flavorful dish with a distinct taste.

6 Tender Crispy Pork Kidneys

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Pork kidneys: 750 grams
  • Vinegar: 50 grams
  • Fatty pork: 100 grams
  • Scallion knots: 15 grams
  • Rock sugar: 50 grams
  • Ginger slices: 25 grams
  • Clear meat broth: 300 grams
  • MSG: 0.5 grams
  • Shaoxing wine: 100 grams
  • Salt: 1 gram
  • Soy sauce: 30 grams
  • Sesame oil: 50 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Clean the pork kidneys, remove the membrane, and slice them open to remove any unpleasant odor. Cut each kidney into 4 pieces. Blanch the kidney pieces in boiling water to remove any off-flavors. Cut the fatty pork into 4 large pieces.
  2. In a large earthenware pot, place a bamboo rack at the bottom. Lay the fatty pork pieces on the rack, followed by the pork kidneys, scallion knots, and ginger slices. Add rock sugar, vinegar, soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, sesame oil, MSG, salt, and clear meat broth. Cover with a ceramic plate. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to medium heat and simmer until tender. Finally, switch to low heat to concentrate the sauce, then remove from heat. Discard the scallion knots and ginger slices. Remove the bamboo rack and place it on a plate. Arrange the pork kidneys neatly in a small earthenware bowl, discard the fatty pork, and pour the original broth over the kidneys. Steam in a steamer until heated through. To serve, flip the bowl onto a plate. This dish can also be served as a cold dish if cooled after stewing.

Key Techniques:

  • The “stewing” method involves slow cooking over low heat for about 3-4 hours to achieve a tender, crispy texture. The broth should be mostly reduced, resulting in a concentrated and rich sauce with a deep flavor.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • “Tender Crispy” is a unique preparation method in Hunan cuisine. The addition of a substantial amount of vinegar during stewing helps to tenderize and crisp the main ingredients. Tender Crispy Pork Kidneys feature a deep red color, rich and thick sauce, and a tender yet crispy texture with a pleasantly salty and savory taste.

7 Braised Pork Knuckle Roll

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Pork knuckle: 5000 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorns: 25 grams
  • Salt: 150 grams
  • Scallions: 100 grams
  • Sugar: 100 grams
  • Ginger: 100 grams
  • Shaoxing wine: 50 grams
  • Sesame oil: 100 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Remove any residual hair from the pork knuckle, clean it thoroughly, and pat dry.
  2. Heat Sichuan peppercorns in a pan, then add salt and stir-fry until fragrant. Remove from heat and let cool. Crush the scallions and ginger. Use a bamboo skewer to poke holes in the pork knuckle. Rub the pork knuckle with the cooled peppercorns, salt, sugar, Shaoxing wine, and the crushed scallions and ginger. Place in an earthenware bowl and marinate for about 5 days.
  3. After marinating, rinse the pork knuckle with warm water, pat it dry, and wrap it in a clean white cloth to form a cylinder. Tie it tightly with string, place it in a bowl, and steam over high heat for 2 hours. Unwrap and re-roll, then steam for an additional 30 minutes. Let cool completely, then remove the string and cloth, and brush with sesame oil to prevent drying.
  4. To serve, cut into half-circle slices, arrange on a plate, and drizzle with sesame oil.

Key Techniques:

  1. Roast Sichuan peppercorns until fragrant and allow them to cool before using.
  2. Poking holes in the pork knuckle helps the flavors penetrate better during marination.
  3. When placing the pork knuckle in the earthenware bowl, ensure the skin side is facing down, with the top layer of skin facing up.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • The pork knuckle has a rich red color, an attractive shape, and a tender, crisp texture. It is savory, flavorful, and appetizing.

8 Savory and Vegetable Tower

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Cooked lean ham: 50 grams
  • Bean sprouts: 150 grams
  • Cooked chicken breast: 50 grams
  • Ginger: 5 grams
  • Cooked egg crepe: 75 grams
  • Yellow vinegar: 15 grams
  • Rehydrated shiitake mushrooms: 50 grams
  • Soy sauce: 5 grams
  • Green beans: 50 grams
  • MSG: 1 gram
  • Cooked winter bamboo shoots: 50 grams
  • Salt: 3 grams
  • Red chili peppers: 100 grams
  • Clear meat broth: 50 grams
  • Alkali-treated squid: 100 grams
  • Sesame oil: 30 grams
  • Chive flowers: 100 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Slice the shiitake mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots thinly. Heat the sesame oil until hot, then add the bamboo shoots and mushrooms. Season with a little salt and stir-fry until flavorful. Remove from heat and let cool.
  2. Remove stems and seeds from the red chili peppers. Clean the alkali-treated squid and blanch it together with the chive flowers in boiling water. Remove and let cool.
  3. Trim the roots and strings from the green beans and bean sprouts. Blanch them in boiling water, then toss with salt and sesame oil.
  4. Cut all the ingredients into thin strips, each 5 centimeters long, and 2 millimeters wide and thick.
  5. On a flat plate, arrange the ingredients into bundles of two and place them in a circular pattern around the edge of the plate. Continue layering in a smaller circle each time, forming a tower shape. Finish by placing any remaining ingredients on top.
  6. Before serving, prepare a dressing with yellow vinegar, soy sauce, salt, MSG, minced ginger, sesame oil, and meat broth. Drizzle evenly over the assembled ingredients.

Key Techniques:

  • When cutting the ingredients into strips, ensure they are uniformly sized for an attractive final presentation.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • This dish features vibrant colors and a tower-like shape. It is visually appealing and well-balanced with both meat and vegetables. It has a combination of tender and crispy textures, with a mildly spicy and slightly tangy flavor, offering a refreshing taste.

9 Golden and Silver Pig Liver

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Pig liver: 500 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorns: 1 gram
  • Fatty pork: 150 grams
  • MSG: 1 gram
  • Cooking wine: 25 grams
  • Green onions: 10 grams
  • Salt: 12.5 grams
  • Ginger: 10 grams
  • Sugar: 5 grams
  • Sesame oil: 10 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Clean the pig liver and cut it into 5 cm thick strips. Crush the green onions and ginger. Mix the Sichuan peppercorns, cooking wine, sugar, MSG, and salt with the pig liver, and marinate for about 2 hours.
  2. Cut the fatty pork into 1.5 cm thick strips. Marinate it with 25 grams of salt, and crushed green onions and ginger.
  3. After marinating, make a small incision in each piece of pig liver, insert the fatty pork strips, and seal the opening with a small bamboo skewer.
  4. Place the prepared pig liver on a baking tray, pour the liver’s original juice over it, and bake in an oven preheated to 200°C to 250°C. Once cooked, remove from the oven, let it cool, and brush with sesame oil to prevent drying out.
  5. Slice the cooled pig liver and arrange it on a plate for serving.

Key Techniques:

  1. When cutting the pig liver, avoid piercing through to prevent leakage of the fat.
  2. Choose fresh-colored pig liver for the best results.
  3. Let the pig liver cool completely before slicing, allowing the fatty pork to solidify.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • Crispy and delicious with an attractive appearance, resembling phoenix eyes. It is an excellent dish to pair with alcohol.

10 Clear Stewed Beef

Main Ingredients and Seasonings:

  • Yellow beef: 750 grams
  • Shaoxing wine: 50 grams
  • Cinnamon stick: 1 gram
  • Pepper powder: 0.5 grams
  • Green onions: 10 grams
  • MSG: 1 gram
  • Green onion knots: 10 grams
  • Salt: 3 grams
  • Ginger slices: 10 grams
  • Cooked pork fat: 50 grams

Cooking Method:

  1. Wash the beef in cold water and cut it into 4 large pieces. Boil in cold water until it is 40% cooked to remove blood and any gamey smell. Remove the beef, rinse it again, and cut into strips approximately 4 cm long, 2 cm wide, and 1 cm thick. Cut the green onions into 0.78 cm long sections.
  2. Place the beef in a large earthenware bowl lined with a bamboo mat. Add the cinnamon stick, Shaoxing wine, green onion knots, ginger slices, salt, cooked pork fat, and 1000 grams of clean water. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce to a low heat and simmer for about 2 hours. Remove the green onions, ginger, and cinnamon stick. Add the green onions, pepper powder, and MSG, then serve in a large bowl.

Key Techniques:

  • Bring to a boil over high heat, then simmer slowly over low heat, maintaining a gentle simmer for about 2 hours. The beef should be tender and the broth clear. Avoid boiling vigorously as it can make the broth cloudy and detract from the characteristic flavor of clear stewed dishes.

Flavor Characteristics:

  • Both red stewing and clear stewing are advanced techniques in Hunan cuisine. Red stewing emphasizes rich flavor, while clear stewing focuses on a clean, delicate taste. Clear stewed beef is cooked slowly over low heat, resulting in a clear, mirror-like broth that is fresh and delightful.