Ethnic Flavors Recipe(Five)

1 Harba Elbow


  • Front shank “Harba” (around the shoulder joint of the pig) …….. 2000 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorn ………………………………………………. 1 gram
  • Salt ………………………………………………………….. 10 grams
  • Green onions (cut into sections) …………………………… 10 grams
  • Soy sauce ……………………………………………………….. 20 grams
  • Clean white part of scallions ……………………………… 50 grams
  • Mustard paste …………………………………………………. 10 grams
  • Ginger slices …………………………………………………….. 5 grams
  • Sweet bean sauce ……………………………………………. 25 grams
  • Garlic cloves ……………………………………………………. 5 grams
  • Shrimp oil ………………………………………………………. 10 grams
  • Minced garlic …………………………………………………… 10 grams
  • Chili oil ………………………………………………………….. 10 grams
  • Spices …………………………………………………………….. 3 cloves

[Preparation Method]

  1. Clean the pig’s “Harba” by scraping off the hair from the skin surface, removing the bones, and blanching in boiling water for 3 minutes. Transfer to a pot of clean water, add green onions, ginger slices, garlic cloves, tied spices in cheesecloth, Sichuan peppercorn, and cook over medium heat until it’s 50% cooked. Add salt and continue cooking until nearly fully cooked. Remove from heat, separate the skin from the meat, and slice both into thin slices about 5 cm square. Arrange the skin on a plate and overlay with the meat slices to form a circular shape.
  2. Cut the scallions into 6.5 cm long segments, then julienne them. Serve alongside minced garlic, soy sauce, mustard paste, sweet bean sauce, shrimp oil, and chili oil, alongside the “Harba” elbow on the table for dipping.

[Key Techniques]

  1. Cook the “Harba” elbow until it is tender but not overly soft, ensuring it can be thinly sliced.
  2. Garnish with minced coriander and mustard greens as desired.

[Flavor Characteristics]

“Harba” refers to the shoulder joint of animals such as pigs, sheep, cows, and deer in Manchu language, also known as the “pipa bone” in Chinese. The meat around this joint is lean, tender, and flavorful, offering a unique taste that is savory and slightly spicy. “Harba Elbow” is a specialty dish of the Manchu cuisine in Tianjin, known for its salty-sweet-spicy flavors, rich yet not greasy, and deliciously savory.

2 Yangfu


  • Sheep’s eyes ……………………………………… 500 grams
  • Spices ………………………………………………. 1.5 grams
  • Dried shiitake mushrooms ………………………….. 20 grams
  • Salt ………………………………………………….. 1.5 grams
  • Clean winter bamboo shoots ………………………. 30 grams
  • MSG ……………………………………………….. 10 grams
  • Green onions (cut into sections) …………………… 10 grams
  • Sugar ………………………………………………… 5 grams
  • Ginger slices ………………………………………. 5 grams
  • Shaoxing wine ……………………………………. 10 grams
  • Minced green onions …………………………….. 20 grams
  • Soy sauce …………………………………………. 10 grams
  • Minced ginger ……………………………………. 1.5 grams
  • Wet starch ……………………………………….. 25 grams
  • Garlic slices ……………………………………… 5 grams
  • Beef clear soup ………………………………….. 300 grams
  • Rendered duck fat ……………………………….. 15 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorn oil ……………………………. 5 grams

[Preparation Method]

  1. Remove the eye hairs from the sheep’s eyes, wash thoroughly, and blanch in boiling water with green onions, ginger slices, and 0.5 grams of spices until tender. Remove and cut each sheep’s eye in half. Slice the shiitake mushrooms into 2 cm diameter slices. Cut the winter bamboo shoots into rectangular slices measuring 3.3 cm long, 1.7 cm wide, and 0.2 cm thin. Blanch separately in boiling water, then drain.
  2. Heat the wok over high heat, add the rendered duck fat and heat until very hot. Fry the remaining spices until charred, then add minced green onions, minced ginger, and garlic slices, stir-frying until fragrant. Deglaze with Shaoxing wine and soy sauce, then add beef clear soup. Remove the charred spices and garlic slices, add the sheep’s eyes, salt, and sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until the liquid is reduced by half. Add the shiitake mushrooms, winter bamboo shoots, MSG, and thicken with wet starch. Finish with a drizzle of Sichuan peppercorn oil.

[Key Techniques]

Yangfu is a special cooking technique unique to Tianjin’s Halal restaurants, combining the essence of stewing and braising. It requires short cooking times with a slightly thickened sauce, and some dishes employ the “big spoon flipping” technique. The finished dish has a golden-red shine, tender texture, and rich flavor with only a minimal amount of residual oil, making it highly favored by diners.

[Flavor Characteristics]

Yangfu features sheep’s eyes, selected for their nutritional richness and reputed benefits for eyesight, cooked with shiitake mushrooms and winter bamboo shoots. Soft and tender with distinct textures, it offers a savory and robust taste, representing a traditional Halal delicacy.

3 Stewed Whole Lamb with Koudou Mushrooms


  • Cooked lamb spinal marrow ………………………………. 40 grams
  • Koudou mushrooms …………………………………….. 20 grams
  • Cooked sheep’s eyes ……………………………………. 30 grams
  • Minced chicken meat …………………………………… 50 grams
  • Cooked lamb brain …………………………………….. 40 grams
  • Salt ………………………………………………………. 5 grams
  • Cooked lamb trachea …………………………………… 30 grams
  • MSG ………………………………………………………. 2 grams
  • Cooked lamb tripe ……………………………………… 30 grams
  • Ginger juice …………………………………………… 5 grams
  • Cooked lamb tongue …………………………………… 40 grams
  • Shaoxing wine ……………………………………….. 10 grams
  • Cooked lamb tendon …………………………………… 40 grams
  • Wet starch …………………………………………… 50 grams
  • Cooked lamb testicles ………………………………… 40 grams
  • Beef clear soup …………………………………….. 1000 grams

[Preparation Method]

  1. Place the koudou mushrooms in a large bowl, soak in 200 grams of boiling water for several hours. Remove from water, lightly rub with 0.5 grams of salt to remove dirt, and rinse thoroughly with clean water. Blanch briefly in boiling water, remove and drain. Set aside the clarified soaking water from the koudou mushrooms.
  2. Cut the lamb spinal marrow into 5 cm long segments. Slice the sheep’s eyes thinly. Cut the lamb brain into 1.3 cm thick slices. Trim the lamb trachea into centipede-shaped pieces, each 3.3 cm long. Slice the lamb tripe, lamb tongue, and lamb testicles into rectangular pieces measuring 2.5 cm long and 2 cm wide. Slice the lamb tendon diagonally into similar shapes. Blanch all these ingredients in boiling water for 1 minute, then remove and drain.
  3. Heat a wok over low heat, pour in the beef clear soup and heat until hot. Blanch the minced chicken meat in 50 grams of water until it floats, then remove. Strain the soup through a fine sieve to clarify it, then transfer to a clean pot. Add the koudou mushrooms, salt, Shaoxing wine, and all the main ingredients. Bring the clarified soaking water from the koudou mushrooms to a boil, skim off any foam, and add to the soup pot. Once the soup boils, add ginger juice, MSG, thicken with wet starch, and serve in soup bowls.

[Key Techniques]

This dish emphasizes the use of clear soup. Blanch the minced chicken meat in water until it floats, ensuring the soup never boils vigorously. The chicken meat should clump and float to the surface before removing. Strain the soup through a fine sieve to ensure clarity, resulting in a flavorful and clear broth.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  1. Koudou mushrooms, named after Zhangjiakou in Hebei Province, are characterized by their white flesh, small size with thick texture, and rich, fragrant aroma. They are cool and sweet in nature, containing 35.6% protein, 23.1% carbohydrates, 16.2% ash, 6.8% crude fiber, as well as phosphorus, calcium, iron, and other minerals, making them a prized variety of mushrooms.
  2. “Stewed Whole Lamb with Koudou Mushrooms” is a traditional Halal dish that combines various parts of lamb into one dish, hence the term “whole lamb” to signify its comprehensive nature. While each ingredient has its distinct flavor and texture, they are unified through a common cooking technique, enhancing each other’s qualities and creating a harmonious blend. The soup has a light, slightly yellowish color, with a rich and deep umami taste that is refreshing and not greasy, providing abundant nutrition ideal for winter nourishment.

4 Roast Whole Lamb


  • Whitehead Mongolian lamb ……………………………… 1
  • Green onions (cut into sections) ……………………… 250 grams
  • Ginger slices …………………………………………….. 250 grams
  • Salt ………………………………………………………. 30 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorns …………………………………. 70 grams
  • Soy sauce ………………………………………………… 150 grams
  • Spices (whole) ………………………………………….. 70 grams
  • Caramelized sugar …………………………………….. 150 grams
  • Ground cumin …………………………………………… 70 grams
  • Sesame oil ………………………………………………. 150 grams

[Preparation Method]

  1. Slaughter the lamb and scald the entire body with water heated to 80-90°C. Remove the wool while hot, clean and scrape out the internal organs. Make several small incisions in the thick meaty parts inside the lamb’s abdomen and hind legs.
  2. Stuff the lamb’s belly with green onions, ginger slices, Sichuan peppercorns, whole spices, and ground cumin. Rub salt all over the lamb, including inside the incisions made in the lamb’s legs.
  3. Securely insert an iron skewer into the lamb’s tail, positioning the chest upwards. Use iron hooks to hang the limbs by their skin surface. Brush with soy sauce and slightly cooled caramelized sugar, then brush with sesame oil.
  4. Hang the whole lamb with the belly facing upwards in a preheated oven. Seal the oven opening with an iron lid and seal it with yellow clay. Place an iron box underneath to collect the lamb fat that drips out during baking. Bake for approximately 3-4 hours until the lamb skin turns golden-red and crispy, and the meat is tender and cooked through.
  5. To serve, lay the whole lamb on a specially crafted wooden platter, tie the lamb’s horns with red silk cloth, and present it to guests for admiration. A chef will then peel off the lamb skin, cut it into strips, slice the lamb meat into thick pieces, and chop the lamb bones into large pieces, arranging them on plates along with green onions, minced garlic, sauce, lotus leaf pancakes, and Mongolian knives.

[Key Techniques]

The preparation of roast whole lamb demands strict adherence to selecting 1-2-year-old Whitehead Mongolian lambs. After slaughtering, scalding, wool scraping, marinating, and seasoning, the lamb is hung in the oven, sealed, and slow-roasted to perfection. The finished dish should have a golden-red, glossy appearance with crispy skin and tender, flavorful meat that is rich but not greasy, offering a delightful and distinctive taste experience.

[Flavor Characteristics]

“Roast Whole Lamb” is a traditional Mongolian dish used to entertain honored guests. It has a long history, dating back thousands of years. According to tradition, the people of Ordos in Inner Mongolia were already using fire to cook and roast whole wild animals in the Hetao region several millennia ago. The specific nomadic lifestyle of the people on the grasslands has preserved this culinary method to the present day.

5 Daxian County Lamb Soup


  • Qing Shan lamb meat ……………………………… 1000 grams
  • Fructus Amomi (草果) …………………………….. 3 grams
  • Scallions …………………………………………… 15 grams
  • Fresh ginger ………………………………………. 5 grams
  • Lamb fat ………………………………………….. 150 grams
  • Cassia powder (桂子面) …………………………… 3 grams
  • Lamb bones ……………………………………….. 500 grams
  • Angelica dahurica (白芷) …………………………. 10 grams
  • Ginger ……………………………………………… 10 grams
  • Salt …………………………………………………. 20 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorns …………………………….. 10 grams
  • Sichuan peppercorn water ………………………. 50 grams
  • Clove powder (丁香面) …………………………… 10 grams
  • Chili oil …………………………………………….. 150 grams
  • Cassia bark (桂皮) ………………………………… 5 grams
  • Soy sauce ………………………………………….. 25 grams
  • Chenpi (陈皮) ……………………………………… 5 grams
  • Sesame oil …………………………………………. 15 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Wash the lamb meat and cut into pieces measuring 10 cm in length, 3.3 cm in width, and 3.3 cm in thickness. Break the lamb bones. Finely chop the cilantro and cut the scallions into sections.
  2. Layer the lamb bones at the bottom of a pot, then place the lamb meat on top. Add enough water to cover the meat. Bring to a boil over high heat, skim off any blood foam, and strain the broth. Add another 3500 grams of clean water, bring to a boil over high heat, skim off any foam, then add another 500 grams of clean water. Once it boils again, skim off any foam. Add the lamb fat and simmer slightly, skimming once more. Then, wrap the Sichuan peppercorns, cassia bark, Chenpi, Fructus Amomi, fresh ginger, Angelica dahurica, and salt in a cheesecloth to make a spice bag. Add the spice bag along with ginger slices, scallion sections, and salt into the pot. Continue boiling over high heat until the lamb meat is about 80% cooked. Add chili oil and Sichuan peppercorn water, and simmer for about 2 hours.
  3. Remove 50 grams of cooked lamb meat, shred into thin slices, and place in serving bowls. Add a small amount of clove powder, cassia powder, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Ladle the original broth from the pot into the bowls, sprinkle with chopped cilantro, and serve. For those who enjoy spicy flavors, add chili soy sauce or serve with scallion pancakes rolled with green onions.

[Key Techniques]

  1. Pay attention to the heat when boiling the lamb meat to ensure the broth remains consistently boiling to maintain its clarity.
  2. Skim off any foam that forms during heating.
  3. Ensure a variety of seasonings are used and maintain a balanced ratio.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  1. Daxian County Lamb Soup is a famous halal dish in Shandong cuisine with a history of over 180 years. According to tradition, in 1807, the “San Yi He” halal lamb restaurant was established by Xu Guili, Cao Xisheng, and Zhu Okeqin in Daxian County. Xu Guili’s expertise in research and superior culinary skills led to the creation of a refined lamb soup with meticulous selection of ingredients and precise seasoning. This earned the restaurant great prosperity and reputation, making it a top choice among diners and hailed as the authentic “Daxian County Lamb Soup.”

6 Duyang Three Delicacies


  • Cooked lamb spinal marrow ……………………………. 100 grams
  • Ginger juice ………………………………………….. 30 grams
  • Soy sauce …………………………………………….. 30 grams
  • Lamb brain ……………………………………………. 100 grams
  • Salt ……………………………………………………. 2 grams
  • Lamb eyes ……………………………………………… 100 grams
  • Sugar …………………………………………………. 5 grams
  • Star anise …………………………………………….. 2 pieces
  • Monosodium glutamate (MSG) ……………………….. 2 grams
  • Chopped green onions ……………………………….. 5 grams
  • Caramelized sugar (嫩糖色) …………………………. 10 grams
  • Cooking wine …………………………………………. 30 grams
  • Oil …………………………………………………….. 20 grams
  • Chicken and duck broth …………………………….. 200 grams
  • Chicken and duck fat ……………………………….. 50 grams
  • Water starch ………………………………………… 20 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Blanch the cooked lamb spinal marrow, lamb brain, and lamb eyes in a large pot of boiling water. Let them cool, then cut the spinal marrow into inch-long sections, slice the lamb eyes thickly, and cut the lamb brain into large dice.
  2. Blanch each of the three main ingredients three times in boiling water to remove any gamey flavors completely. Arrange the lamb eyes in the center, with the spinal marrow and lamb brain on either side, and set aside.
  3. Heat 20 grams of oil in a ladle, fry the star anise and chopped green onions until fragrant, then add the ginger juice, soy sauce, and cooking wine. Pour in the chicken and duck broth and gently push the main ingredients into the ladle. Once the broth comes to a boil, skim off any foam, reduce the heat, and simmer gently. When the main ingredients have absorbed the flavors and the broth has reduced, increase the heat slightly, add caramelized sugar to adjust the color, thicken with water starch, and drizzle with chicken and duck fat. Stir gently with a large ladle, then transfer the dish to a serving plate.

[Key Techniques]

  1. When cooking the lamb brain and spinal marrow, add vinegar (about 1/4 of the amount of the main ingredients) and salt to the broth. This helps to firm up the lamb brain and spinal marrow and reduces any gamey flavors.
  2. The key to this dish is to ensure there is no hint of gamey taste. Therefore, repeated blanching with water is essential.
  3. Instead of lamb broth, chicken and duck broth can also be used.

[Flavor Characteristics]

Duyang Three Delicacies is a famous halal dish in Tianjin cuisine. The dish features cooked lamb spinal marrow, lamb brain, and lamb eyes that are blanched to remove any gamey flavors. It employs a cooking technique mastered by Tianjin halal restaurants, ensuring the three main ingredients are tender and flavorful with a rich, red hue. The dish is visually appealing, savory, and suitable for the palate. According to traditional Chinese medicine principles of “nourishing corresponding organs,” Duyang Three Delicacies provides beneficial effects for specific parts of the body.

7 Steamed Beef with Banana Leaves


  • Yellow beef tenderloin ………………………………. 400 grams
  • Garlic ……………………………………………….. 40 grams
  • Salt …………………………………………………… 8 grams
  • Green onions ……………………………………….. 20 grams
  • Ground pepper …………………………………….. 4 grams
  • Ginger ………………………………………………. 20 grams
  • Ground Sichuan peppercorn ……………………… 4 grams
  • Lemongrass ……………………………………….. 50 grams
  • MSG (monosodium glutamate) …………………… 4 grams
  • Rendered lard (cooked pork fat) ……………….. 80 grams
  • Green chili peppers ………………………………. 100 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Remove tendons from the beef, wash thoroughly, and chop finely into a bowl. Clean and chop the green onions, ginger, garlic, and chili peppers, then add them to the bowl with the beef. Add rendered lard, salt, ground pepper, MSG, and ground Sichuan peppercorn. Mix well and marinate for 20 minutes.
  2. Lay out banana leaves in pairs, place lemongrass and the seasoned beef mixture on top. Fold and wrap into square parcels, making a total of 8 packages. Steam until cooked through.

[Key Techniques]

  • Use high heat and steam for approximately 2 hours until done.

[Flavor Characteristics]

The use of banana leaves in Dai cuisine adds a fragrant touch to the dish, enhancing the flavors during steaming. Steamed beef with banana leaves exemplifies this tradition, with its unique presentation, tender texture, and delightful aroma, showcasing the essence of Dai culinary culture.

8 Milk Soup with Silver Tripe


  • Cooked sheep tripe …………………………….. 300 grams
  • Salt …………………………………………………. 5 grams
  • Cilantro ……………………………………………. 1 bunch
  • Ginger juice ……………………………………… 0.5 grams
  • Milk ………………………………………………… 150 grams
  • Wet cornstarch …………………………………. 10 grams
  • Chicken broth …………………………………… 300 grams
  • Rendered chicken fat ………………………….. 20 grams
  • Shaoxing wine …………………………………. 10 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Boil the sheep tripe until cooked, then cut into strips measuring approximately 6.6 cm in length and 0.33 cm in width. Blanch the tripe in boiling water until tender, then remove and drain.
  2. In a wok, combine chicken broth, Shaoxing wine, salt, ginger juice, and the tripe strips. Place over high heat and bring to a boil. Add milk and continue cooking until it comes to a boil again. Thicken the soup with diluted wet cornstarch, then drizzle with rendered chicken fat and garnish with cilantro.

[Key Techniques]

  1. Cook the sheep tripe in plain water without seasoning. Adding Shaoxing wine helps to remove any gaminess. Cooking time is approximately 1.5 hours.
  2. The combination of chicken broth and milk creates a savory and creamy flavor profile.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  1. “Milk Soup with Silver Tripe” is a traditional dish found in Beijing Halal restaurants. The addition of milk not only enhances the flavor but also gives the soup a pleasing white color. In Halal cuisine, many dishes featuring white sauce often incorporate milk, showcasing a distinct characteristic of Halal cooking. The term “silver tripe” refers to the tripe that is cooked until tender and cut into thin strips, resembling the color of silver.
  2. The tripe strips are white and tender, while the soup is creamy and elegant, offering a delightful and fresh taste.

9 Fried Lamb Belly


  • Lamb belly meat ………………………………. 300 grams
  • Egg …………………………………………….. 1
  • Scallions ………………………………………. 30 grams
  • Wet cornstarch ……………………………… 30 grams
  • Ginger slices …………………………………. 10 grams
  • Sesame oil ……………………………………. 5 grams
  • Garlic slices ………………………………….. 10 grams
  • Sweet bean sauce ………………………….. 10 grams
  • Garlic cloves …………………………………. 2 grams
  • Peanut oil …………………………………….. 750 grams
  • Soy sauce …………………………………….. 20 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Rinse the lamb meat and place it in a pot of cold water. Boil for 5 minutes until any blood residue is released. Remove and let it cool, then slice into pieces approximately 8 cm long, 3.5 cm wide, and 0.8 cm thick. Arrange the slices on a plate, add soy sauce, 10 grams of scallions, ginger slices, and garlic slices. Steam until tender (about 90 minutes). Remove from steamer, drain the broth, and discard the scallions, ginger, and garlic slices.
  2. Heat peanut oil in a wok over medium heat until it reaches about 80% hot. Coat each piece of meat evenly with the egg and wet cornstarch mixture. Fry in the oil until they are 90% cooked, then remove. Once the oil temperature reaches 90% hot again, return the meat slices and fry until golden brown.
  3. Cut the fried meat slices into diagonal pieces and arrange them on a serving platter. Serve with side dishes: mix sweet bean sauce with sesame oil in one dish, and place scallions and garlic cloves in another.

[Key Techniques]

  1. The key to this dish is tender and crispy meat, frying in hot oil, and serving with side dishes.
  2. Pork belly can also be used instead of lamb belly. Choose a part with alternating layers of fat and lean meat, leave the skin on, cook until tender in soy sauce, and then fry with egg batter. The dish is savory and fragrant, rich but not greasy.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  1. “Fried Lamb Belly” is a traditional dish of the Hui ethnic group in Jinan. It has been served at Lao Ma’s Restaurant, one of the famous restaurants in Shandong Province since it was featured at the provincial food exhibition in 1956. The restaurant is located in Jinan’s “Daguanyuan,” renowned for its unique halal cuisine since the 1950s.
  2. The finished dish has a golden color, crispy on the outside and tender inside. It is enjoyed with sweet bean sauce, sesame oil, scallions, and garlic paste, offering a distinctive and flavorful taste.

10 Stir-Fried Lamb with Green Onions


  • Lamb meat …………………………………. 250 grams
  • MSG ………………………………………… 10 grams
  • Green onions ………………………………. 250 grams
  • Wet cornstarch ………………………….. 30 grams
  • Egg white ………………………………….. 1
  • Sesame oil ………………………………… 5 grams
  • Soy sauce …………………………………. 3 grams
  • Peanut oil ………………………………… 500 grams
  • Salt …………………………………………. 2 grams
  • Shaoxing wine ………………………….. 10 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Slice the lamb into pieces about 1.2 cm thick. Make shallow criss-cross cuts on both sides (approximately 1/3 of the thickness), then cut into strips about 1.2 cm wide. Finally, cut into small cubes. Place in a bowl and mix with egg white, wet cornstarch (10 grams), and salt (0 grams). Cut the green onions into segments about 1.2 cm in length.
  2. In an empty bowl, mix salt (0 grams), soy sauce, Shaoxing wine, MSG, and wet cornstarch (10 grams) to make a sauce.
  3. Heat peanut oil in a wok over medium heat until it reaches about 60% hot. Add the lamb cubes and quickly separate them with chopsticks. Add the green onion segments, stir briefly, and quickly remove from the oil. Leave about 20 grams of oil in the wok, turn the heat to high, add the lamb cubes and green onion segments back into the wok, stir-fry quickly. Pour in the sauce from the bowl, stir-fry briefly, drizzle with sesame oil, toss a few times, and quickly remove from the wok.

[Key Techniques]

  • Stir-frying with green onions: Use green onions as the main ingredient for flavoring, and combine with the seasoned meat. Stir-fry over high heat without batter coating or thickening sauce. The dish should be quickly cooked to ensure the flavors meld together.

[Flavor Characteristics]

  • “Stir-Fried Lamb with Green Onions” is a renowned dish from Lao Ma’s Restaurant, a famous Halal restaurant in Jinan. It utilizes techniques typical of Shandong cuisine, achieving a glossy texture with a rich flavor. The lamb is tender and flavorful without any gamey taste. It is known for its benefits in invigorating qi, supplementing deficiencies, and warming the stomach.

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