Recipe for Lamb and Beef

1 A String of Red

Cooked lamb ………………………………… 250g
Kelp ………………………………………….. 100g
Goji berries …………………………………. 20g
Salt ……………………………………………. 20g
Egg whites ……………………………………. 50g
MSG …………………………………………… 4g
Spinach leaves ……………………………….. 50g
Ground pepper ……………………………….. 5g
Cornstarch …………………………………… 50g
Sichuan peppercorn water ………………. 5g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Cut the lamb into slices about 4.5 cm long and 0.7 cm thick. Season with salt, MSG, and Sichuan peppercorn water. Trim the corners of the meat slices to oval shapes and arrange them on a plate.
  2. Rinse the goji berries and soak them until soft.
  3. Beat the egg whites into a froth, mix with dry cornstarch, and spread evenly over each meat slice. Place a strand of kelp in the middle of each slice, with goji berries placed irregularly on both sides. Steam with the lid slightly open for 3 minutes, then transfer to a plate neatly.
  4. Heat clear broth in a ladle, season with salt and MSG, thicken with water and cornstarch slurry, pour over the plate, drizzle with chicken oil, sprinkle with ground pepper, and garnish with small spinach leaves around the edge of the plate.

[Key Techniques]
Steaming with the lid slightly open prevents the egg whites from foaming.

[Flavor Characteristics]
With kelp at the center and goji berries on both sides, it resembles a string of red ornamental plants, presenting an attractive appearance and delicious taste. This dish is one of the specialties in halal cuisine featuring whole lamb.

2 Spring Silkworms Spitting Silk

Lean lamb meat ……………………………… 250g
Salt …………………………………………… 20g
Eggs ………………………………………… 150g
MSG …………………………………………. 5g
Wood ear mushrooms …………………….. 30g
Ground pepper …………………………….. 6g
Spinach …………………………………….. 50g
Sichuan peppercorn water ……………. 10g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Chop the lamb meat into minced meat. Mix with salt, MSG, Sichuan peppercorn water, and ground pepper. Gradually stir in three beaten egg whites into the minced meat. Cut the wood ear mushrooms into fine strips and soak three pieces of egg crepes.
  2. Grease a plate and layer with one egg crepe. Spread a layer of the minced meat mixture, sprinkle with wood ear mushroom strips. Use a small spoon to shape the minced meat mixture into silkworm shapes on top of the mushroom strips, pressing in a pea for the head and lightly covering with more mushroom strips. Steam until cooked, then cool. Cut the silkworm-shaped meat strips together with the egg crepes using a small knife.
  3. Cut two egg crepes into very fine strips and place them on a serving plate. Arrange the meat strips on top.
  4. Heat a wok, add fresh broth, salt, MSG, Sichuan peppercorn water. Bring to a boil, skim off any foam, thicken slightly with a water and cornstarch slurry. Pour over the meat strips on the serving plate. Arrange spinach leaves around the edge of the plate.

[Key Techniques]
Gradually stirring the egg whites into the minced meat allows them to be slowly absorbed by the meat fibers, turning it white.

[Flavor Characteristics]
This dish is colorful, resembling spring silkworms spitting silk. It is tender, fragrant, and balanced with both meat and vegetables, making it satisfying without being overwhelming.

3 Cloud-Kicking Lamb Hooves

Lamb hooves, 8 pieces ………………………. 8000g
Cornstarch …………………………………… 10g
Sesame oil ……………………………………. 5g
Sichuan peppercorns ……………………….. 5g
Salt …………………………………………….. 8g
Star anise …………………………………….. 5g
Green onions …………………………………. 5g
Garlic …………………………………………. 5g
Ginger ………………………………………… 5g
Cilantro ………………………………………. 5g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Remove hair and bones from the lamb hooves, boil until cooked, and clean off any impurities. Cut each hoof into 4 pieces and arrange them on a plate, keeping the original shape on both sides of the plate, with 4 pieces on each side.
  2. Pour meat broth into the plate, add green onion sections, ginger slices, garlic slices, Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, and salt. Steam until fully cooked, then remove the seasonings.
  3. Transfer the steamed broth to a ladle, thicken with cornstarch slurry, and drizzle with sesame oil before serving over the lamb hooves. Garnish with cilantro.

[Key Techniques]
When steaming the lamb hooves, use high heat to ensure they are tender and thoroughly cooked.

[Flavor Characteristics]
A grand dish featuring whole lamb, elegantly named “Cloud-Kicking.” The lamb hooves, without revealing a single word about lamb in the name, exude a rich lamb aroma and are tender and delicious.

4 Stewed Mutton Ears with Tremella

Cooked mutton ears …………………………….. 250 grams
Refined salt …………………………………… 30 grams
Dried Tremella mushrooms ………………………. 50 grams
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) ……………………… 4 grams
Starch ……………………………………….. 10 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Blanch the cooked mutton ears briefly with boiling water, peel off the skin inside and out, and cut into fine shreds.
  2. Place clear broth in a ladle, add mutton ears and peas, season with condiments, thicken with starch, transfer to a serving dish.

[Key Techniques]
Do not blanch the mutton ears for too long to avoid loss of skin and flesh.

[Flavor Characteristics]
The cooked mutton ears, known as “Tremella,” are stewed together with Tremella mushrooms, a dish served at halal banquets.

5 Falling Water Spring

Cooked mutton tongue …………………………….. 300 grams
Amomum tsao-ko …………………………………. 10 grams
Tomato sauce …………………………………… 20 grams
Ginger slices …………………………………… 10 grams
Table salt ……………………………………… 10 grams
Spring onions (white part) ……………………….. 10 grams
Sichuan peppercorns ……………………………… 8 grams
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) ……………………….. 4 grams
Star anise ……………………………………… 8 grams
Ground black pepper ……………………………… 5 grams

[Cooking Method]

  1. Slice the mutton tongue into slanted pieces resembling slopes, arrange them neatly in a circle without mixing them up. Form a round shape with a 3 cm hole in the center of the bowl. Ensure both the outer circle and the central hole are neat. Pour in clear broth, salt, and MSG mixture into the bowl. Arrange Sichuan peppercorns, star anise, Amomum tsao-ko, ginger slices, and spring onion segments in the bowl. Steam for 1 hour, then remove from steamer, remove the seasonings, drain the broth, and invert onto a plate.
  2. Heat clear broth in a frying pan, add tomato sauce, salt, Sichuan peppercorn water, and MSG. Thicken with water and starch until slightly thickened. Drizzle with chicken oil and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Pour over the mutton tongue in the plate.

[Key Techniques]
Pay attention to maintaining the shape of the outer ring and the “spring” inside.

[Flavor Characteristics]
This dish is one of the main dishes in halal whole lamb cuisine, with a rich red color and tender texture, named “Falling Water Spring” for its exquisite appearance.

6 Ivory Lamb

Cooked lamb leg meat ………………………………… 300g
Monosodium glutamate ……………………………….. 6g
Egg whites …………………………………………. 250g
Five-spice powder …………………………………… 10g
Salt ………………………………………………. 20g
Ground pepper ………………………………………. 80g
Sichuan peppercorn water ……………………………. 10g
Cornstarch …………………………………………. 30g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Cut the lamb into strips, 6cm long and 1.5cm thick, ensuring both ends are large and small. Sprinkle with monosodium glutamate, salt, five-spice powder, and ground pepper, mix well and marinate.
  2. Beat the egg whites until frothy, then mix with dry cornstarch until well combined.
  3. Grease a plate, pile 12 portions of the egg mixture on it. Place one strip of lamb on each portion, then cover with another layer of egg mixture, smoothing the surface. Steam with the lid slightly ajar for 3 minutes, then remove.
  4. Heat a wok, add prepared clear broth, salt, monosodium glutamate, Sichuan peppercorn water, bring to a boil, thicken slightly with cornstarch slurry, drizzle with chicken oil, and pour over the lamb strips to serve.

[Key Techniques]
Steam with the lid slightly ajar to prevent the egg mixture from collapsing or forming bubbles.

[Flavor Characteristics]
This dish features tender and delicious lamb with a pale ivory color, making it a specialty dish for Muslim-style feasts featuring whole lamb.

7 Korean Grilled Beef

Beef sirloin …………………………………… 5000g
Soy sauce …………………………………….. 500g
Asian pear (snow pear) …………………………. 250g
Sugar …………………………………………. 1000g
Onion …………………………………………. 100g
Monosodium glutamate ……………………………. 20g
Green onions …………………………………… 250g
Ginger, minced …………………………………. 30g
Garlic, minced …………………………………. 150g
Ground black pepper ……………………………… 60g
Clear rice wine (sake) ………………………….. 150g
Beef broth …………………………………….. 1000g
Sesame oil …………………………………….. 250g
Toasted sesame seeds …………………………….. 50g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Slice the beef into large pieces.
  2. Cut the green onions into sections, slice the onion thinly, and cut the pear into thin strips. Mix these with the beef.
  3. Prepare a marinade by combining all the seasonings. Pour over the beef mixture, mix well, marinate for 24 hours, then grill until cooked through.

[Key Techniques]
Choose beef sirloin for its tender texture.

[Flavor Characteristics]
Crispy on the outside, tender inside, with a fresh and savory flavor loved by Korean people.

9 Oxtail Ginseng Soup

Oxtail ………………………………………… 500g
Monosodium glutamate ……………………………. 5g
Minced garlic …………………………………… 10g
Ground black pepper ……………………………… 10g
Green onions (scallions), chopped ………………… 20g
Small wild ginseng ………………………………. 30g
Salt ……………………………………………. 10g
Beef broth ……………………………………… 250g

[Cooking Method]

  1. Chop the oxtail into small pieces and blanch in hot water briefly.
  2. Place the blanched oxtail in a pot with beef broth, minced garlic, ground black pepper, salt, and small wild ginseng. Simmer over low heat until the oxtail is tender enough to be easily squeezed with fingers. Add monosodium glutamate, transfer to soup bowls, and garnish with chopped green onions. Serve hot.

[Key Techniques]

  1. Blanching the oxtail helps remove excess gamey flavors.
  2. Using beef broth ensures the soup maintains its authentic taste.

[Flavor Characteristics]
This soup has a creamy white color and is highly nutritious, making it a traditional dish beloved by Korean people.

10 Grilled Beef

Lean beef …………………………………… 1000 grams
Fine salt ……………………………………. 10 grams
Lemongrass ………………………………….. 120 grams
Chili peppers ………………………………… 10 grams
Sichuan peppercorns ………………………….. 8 grams
Minced garlic ………………………………… 100 grams
Galangal …………………………………….. 5 grams

[Cooking Method]
Cut the beef into rectangular pieces and lightly pound. Marinate with fine salt, chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, minced garlic, and galangal until well seasoned. Tie with lemongrass and secure with bamboo sticks. Grill over charcoal until the seasonings are charred and the meat is golden brown and tender.

[Key Techniques]
Ensure thorough marination and monitor grilling temperature carefully to achieve desired results with the seasonings.

[Flavor Characteristics]
Galangal and lemongrass are commonly used spices among the Lahu people. They excel in grilling and marinating techniques, favoring dishes that are fresh, aromatic, and spicy. Grilled meats, traditionally made with wild boar and muntjac, are now often prepared with beef and chicken due to environmental and logistical changes. The grilled meat is fragrant, spicy, and tender, suitable for both hot and cold consumption, and pairs well with alcoholic beverages, representing a traditional Lahu culinary style.

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